Illustrator of @jooleeloren

Julie is the mastermind behind the genius Instagram account @jooleeloren, which, if you’re not already following, you’re welcome. It’s sure to be your new favorite thing. She draws the most painfully accurate and hilarious human scenarios, capturing the darkest inner monologues in all of us. Did you know she’s also got killer style and has the best book collection we’ve seen? Yeah, the girl crush knows no bounds. We hung out with her in her Remys at her Williamsburg apartment.

What is your favorite way to wear your IS jeans?

Picture Dolly Parton.

What was the last movie you watched?

The Sting with Robert Redford and Paul Newman. Very into all things grifting right now.

What was the first CD you bought?

Fiona Apple - Tidal. I was nine years old. When my parents and sister would leave the house, I would lip sync "Sleep to Dream" into a mirror.

What is something most people don't know about you?

I have a second Instagram account called @furcoatsonebay.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Princess Diana's long lost sister.

What is your idea of happiness?

Right now! I have just eaten and I'm feeling full and chubby, but also I've just showered, and I'm scrubbed super clean, and I'm about to go to bed with wet hair.

And what is your idea of misery?

Like when I'm out at drinks with someone who bores me, and they're being boring, and I can tell I'm nowhere near done with the interaction, and maybe the air conditioning is cranked up super high, and the only thing to eat are wasabi peas.

Who is your alter ego?

This pig I draw a lot.

What was the last thing you Googled?

"How to save dying ficus tree brown veins"

What are your guilty pleasures?

I'm from the Midwest, so most all of my pleasures come with guilt.

September 02, 2016